Families Supporting Adoption is an organization sponsored by LDS Family Services which advocates a positive view of adoption and provides support to birth parents, adoptive families and all friends of adoption.
The Indiana/Kentucky FSA Chapter:
Chair: Sara Hayman
Co-Chair: Esther Edwards
Kentucky Rep: Sophie Johnson
LDSFS Rep: Dave Pitcher
LDSFS Adoption Specialist Coordinator (Birth parents): Maria Adams
We are your Families Supporting Adoption co-chairs and committee. Sara, Esther and Sophie are all adoptive mothers and are very excited to be a part of this great support organization. We hope to share our testimonies that adoption is about love and it is a part of Heavenly Father's plan to create eternal families.
We endeavor to provide adoption support, education, and outreach to the Indiana and Kentucky area through conferences, temple trips, an adoption library, coordinating with adoption specialists, presentations, emails, blogs and more.
We hope you will join us in our adoption journeys!
We hope you will join us in our adoption journeys!