Hope: An Anchor of the Soul
Friday Sept. 17th, 2010
Franklin Stake Center
1100 Gray Fox Ln., Franklin, TN. 37069
Picnic & Activities:
Starts @ 4:30pm and will continue until at least 7:30pm
Temple Session:
Your choice of the 6pm or 7:30pm endowment session (Babysitting provided).
Saturday Sept. 18th, 2010
Franklin Stake Center
1100 Gray Fox Ln., Franklin, TN. 37069
Registration 9:00-10:00am Cultural Hall
Breakfast snacks & opening activity
Hope: An Anchor of the Soul devotional Maria Adams
Workshops (Choose one of the following)
First Round: 10:15-11:10am
Supporting Adoption in Your Church Calling:
Dave Pitcher w/ Amy & Asher Rose; Maria Adams & Kay Abernathy
Highly recommended for Bishopric members, Stake Presidencies, High Councilmen, RS presidencies, and Adoption Specialists.
Foster Care & Adoption:
Beckye Taylor & Carol Sandstrom
Learn about Foster Care and how it can be a potential path to adoption.
Adoption & Children’s Picture Books:
Esther Edwards
Gain knowledge on how to evaluate and use picture books to start discussions about adoption with children and adults.
Workshops (Choose one of the following)
Second Round: 11:15am-12:10pm
How To Outreach & Promote Adoption:
Michael & Laura Law
Brainstorm ways on how to advocate for adoption in your community and potential birth parents.
Legislature & Laws about Adoption:
Dave Pitcher
An overview of the legal processes with adoption and discuss the approaches of different states on these legal issues.
Adoption Panel:
Hear from adoptive couples and from older adoptees about their adoption experiences such as concerns, things they wished they had known and things they wished other people had known too.
Lunch & Panel 12:15-1:45pm Cultural Hall
Birth Parent Panel:
Hear the experiences, thoughts and emotions of birth parents.
Workshops (Choose one of the following)
Third Round: 2:00-2:45pm
Gospel Perspective on Adoption:
Dave Pitcher
Explore the doctrine and principles of adoption and strengthen your own testimony about adoption.
How to Outreach & Promote Adoption:
Michael & Laura Law
Brainstorm ways on how to advocate for adoption in your community and to potential birth parents.(Repeat)
Grief & Loss with Adoption:
Esther Edwards
Learn common stages, tasks, and coping skills of grief & loss with infertility, choosing to adopt and placing a child for adoption.
Closing: 2:45-3:00pm
Closing remarks & prayer & clean up